MyPrints Support

What is MyPrints?

Myprints corporate printing service allows you to print (only in black and white), photocopy (only in black and white) and scan (black and white or colour) using the multifunctional devices installed across the university's campuses from any device with internet access through your @deusto or @opendeusto account.

The corporate printing service is supported by a management and control system that has the following general characteristics:

  • Documents are sent to print through a print queue, which allows to collect print jobs from any of the printers enabled for the user's profile. Print jobs can be sent from any mobile device at any time. You only need to have Internet access.

  • All jobs are sent protected with your username and password. To print them, you need to release the documents with your university card, or log in with your username and password, which ensures the security and confidentiality of your print jobs.

  • For those print jobs that a special difficulty due to their size, condition of the originals or other special features, it is advisable to use the reprographic services available on both campuses.

You can find further information, which may be useful if you have any queries or difficulties on this site. You can also contact the ICT Support Room if you need any help writing to:

How to send a job to the printer

Balance reloading

Bilbao Campus

How to top up the print credit through a payment gateway manual

San Sebastian Campus

You can top up your print credit balance with €5, €10 or €20.

Credit refund

There is the posibility of recovering the unused credit.

Please inquire at the copy centres and any remaining amount will be refunded during the month following the end of your study programme.

How to use the printer panel

Possible warnings regarding lack of credit

If you do not have enough credit to release your print job, you will receive the following message:

En caso de no tener suficiente saldo para liberar el trabajo, recibiremos el siguiente aviso:

Unable to release your print jobs

Your print jobs cannot be released because you do not have enough credit available.

Si queremos realizar alguna otra operación, como escanear, y no tenemos el suficiente saldo para realizarla, recibiremos el siguiente aviso:

Crédito insuficiente

The selected account does not have enough credit to continue.